Weymouth-Braintree Elks Dream Come True Fund
Our Mission

The Mission of the Weymouth-Braintree Elks Lodge No. 2232 Dream Come True Committee is to provide financial assistance to an individual or family of children, including adult children where appropriate, coping with a chronic illness, disability or seriously injury, living in one of communities served by the Lodge. The type of assistance may include, but is not limited to, chairlifts, wheelchairs, ramps, specialized medical care, living expenses, loss of income or to provide special experience for the children/family. This program is open to residents of the communities served by our Lodge, which include Abington, Braintree, Cohasset, Hingham, Holbrook, Hull, Norwell, Weymouth and Whitman.



The Weymouth Elks Dream Come True Fund is designated as a restricted fund of the Lodge. Monies donated to the fund may only be used to help children with life threatening or chronic diseases and their families. Donations go towards (among other things) chairlifts, wheelchairs, ramps, specialized medical care, living expenses or special experiences for the children/family. You can donate via Venmo or by sending us a check.



Phone Number

+555 (11) 123 44 55


Trysha Ahern - Committee Chair, elks2232dct@gmail.com


Dream Come True Fund, c/o Weymouth-Braintree Lodge of Elks, 788 Liberty Street, Braintree, MA 02184